Cheryl Has The Sex Factor
FHM issued a press release announcing Cheryl Cole as the sexiest woman in 2009. Cheryl fought off tough competition from Slumdog Millionaire star Freida Pinto, Britney Spears and Megan Fox to become number one for this year's contest. The release was featured on OK! Magazine, the online version of the UK's top selling Celebrity print magazine. OK! Magazine has over 200,000 unique visitors per month, making it a highly sort after website for people to gather juicy celebrity gossip such as FHM's Top 100 sexiest women.Coverage

RealWire Influence RatingReadership: 200,000
OK! Magazine is the online home of the UK celebrity glossy print magazine. It covers fashion, celebrity news, photos and celebrity writers. It is aimed at young women in the UK, with 94% of readers being female and 78% between the ages of 14-44. The site boasts over 5 million monthly impressions.